Shopping Local is Loving Local!


Imagine your neighborhood or city without any of its small, local businesses. That's just so scary ya'll! If you didn't have the local coffee shops, dry cleaners, restaurants, spas, gift shops and duh, boutiques, then would be left? What would you main streets and little downtowns looks like? Desolate, depressing, empty, boring, abandoned… like a regular day on the zombie apocalypse TV show...and that's downright frightening!

If you know me, you know my mantra, SMALL BUSINESSES ARE THE BACKBONE OF YOUR COMMUNITY, not the big box stores! (PS there's nothing wrong with BIG box, you just need to be mindful of your local communities and what it means to shop local!)

#1 Small Businesses Give Back to the Community in a HUGE Way!

Did you know:

- Small business employee just over 47% of the workforce in the US.

- For every dollar you send hitting up your local coffee shop, restaurant or boutique, 67 cents stays in the community!

In our case, our boutique is local and with local we are filled with LOCAL vendors so when you shop local, you are supporting a variety of local families!

2. Small businesses provide better customer service

Small business owners strive to survive and one of the biggest advantages they have over large retailers is the ability to provide more personable, hands-on, and memorable customer service. At House of Mo Boutique, the way we treat and approach our clients is absolutely the top priority for our business!

3. Small businesses provide greater access to product diversity 

Small businesses have just as much access to vendors (who also determine pricing, not stores) that big box businesses do. If a small business doesn’t have the products you want or need, ask them – they’re also usually much more receptive and willing to order them for you. we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of products and also an equally wide variety of locally curated products from local vendors.

4. Small businesses create a sense of community

You’re much more likely to get to know a small business owner in your neighborhood. This is absolutely true with our shop, with over 50% repeat clients, we know not only their name but their favorite styles! Local is knowing your locals!

- shopping small is means BIG things for small businesses and really is a domino effect. Please keep this in mind during the holidays!

xoxo Mo


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